Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tree of Life Day 3: Genesis 6-7

I saw something today that I've never seen before.  I know I have read it before, but reading something and seeing it are two different things.  You ready for my big insight?  You ready for a huge intellect to go on display?

God had Noah put food on the ark.

As I reread the story, I wondered how everyone ate.  Well, in 6.21, I got my answer.  God told Noah to put food on the ark.  And it was going to be food for his family and for the animals too.  Well, of course He did.  That only makes sense, right?  No way Noah was going to make it that long with all those apex predators and overwhelming instincts on board.

But here's the zinger for me as the Holy Spirit showed me that:  God always provides for our needs in the midst of trial.  The trials may be God's design or Satan's determination to ruin us.  They may be consequences or concealed blessings.  But God always provides for our needs in the midst of trial.

That's really good news for me today.  How about you?

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