Tuesday, May 8, 2012

What's it take to be a man?

We had a rite of passage moment the other day.

The Bear looks at his dear old dad and says, "Daddy - watch what I can do..."

Then he proceeds to arm-fart.  Now, if you're not familiar with the practice or simply grossed out, just know it's something little boys learn to do that other little boys teach them because older brothers taught them to do it.  And it's sort of funny...for the first few times.

But what followed was that parenting moment.  You know the one where you have this incredible opportunity to speak into a little life and shape it?

He arm-farts and says, "Daddy, I'm a man now."

Off I launched into biblical imperatives for men to be men, to love their own wives as Jesus did the church, to protect, provide for, and pastor his family, etc.  All these things that I'm just sure were shaping his heart to take on manhood greatness in the coming years.

And then he said, "But Daddy, I can do it with the other arm too..."

Well, I'm sure he got the lesson.  Right?

Then it hit me:  I can't claim to be a man without doing manly things.  As in the rest of life, my actions validate my claims.  Do I protect?  Do I provide?  Do I pastor my family?  Do I love my bride as Christ does the church?  Do I lay my life down?

But that's just me thinking thoughts...

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