Thursday, December 1, 2011

Interracial Marriage and the Cross of Jesus

A little late in posting this morning...

A church in Pike County, Kentucky has voted to ban interracial couples from membership or participation in worship services.  This after a lady who grew up in the church got engaged to a man from Africa.  The man was invited to sing a solo as a part of the congregational worship.  After the service was over, the church voted 9-6 to never let that happen again.  Full story here.  Quick video below.

This is wrong on so many levels.

For many years, prejudicial and racist people used a passage from Nehemiah to justify their belief that no interracial couple should ever marry.  Bad idea.  When you mishandle the Word, you face the consequences (a threat of which I am all too familiar and of which I remind myself consistently).

But for those who are believers in Christ, racial divisions have been made void.  Jesus has made both Jew and Gentile into one new man, establishing peace (Ephesians 2.11-18).  Should a church vote to make void what the Son of God has purchased?

What's more, in heaven where every tribe, tongue, nation and people will worship together and experience intimacy beyond the shadow that marriage offers now, there will be a uniting of races in praise (Revelation 7).  And if heaven will culminate in that, why not allow it here in the earthly picture of marriage?

So to the good folks at Gulnare Free Will Baptist Church, please repent.  The Lord Jesus commands you to do so.

But that's just me thinking thoughts...

1 comment:

  1. When I read this, I thought it was a Snakes are Scary entry on Friday and I had lost a day this week!
