Tuesday, June 22, 2010

God is faithful

My wife has already detailed this on our family blog here, but for those for whom there is no crossover, I'll give you a brief testimony of God's faithfulness.  Our oldest is more cautious than most others his age.  Last year at family camp, he struggled to try some of the more exciting elements like the zip line, etc.  This year, we asked for courage for him three days in a row and on the first full day of camp, he had already done the zip line twice, swam across the pool (thus passing his swim test), jumped off the diving board, and gone down the big slide at the pool.  That one seed of God's faithfulness on display set the tone for the rest of our week.

Another story:  we have a kid in our neighborhood that is a fun-loving kid.  He's not from a great family background and hangs out on our street a lot.  He got the opportunity to go to preteen camp with our church this past week and, during that week, put his confidence in Christ.  Amazing.

God is faithful.  Amen.

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