Monday, November 4, 2013

Orphan Monday - or, the Monday after Orphan Sunday

We had a great day yesterday at Heritage Park.  It was a day packed full of adoption-related teaching. In our Bible study, the curriculum we're using (shout out to the Gospel Project) had adoption as its theme.  The sermon was terrific, primarily because my wife helped me do a Q&A on adoption and foster care issues.  (You can find the sermon at

And today is Orphan Monday.

Never heard of it?  I haven't either.  In fact, as far as I know, I think I made it up.

Here's what it is:  the day after hearing about advocacy for the overlooked and defenseless, the need, the call, and the duty is still there.  And today is the day you do something about it if you're going to do something about it.

You make a call to a foster agency to check out the process.  You order an information pack from an adoption agency.  You call an agency to get background checked so you can babysit for your friend who's fostering.  You think about your family's finances and how you might help and participate in an adoption for another family.

Today is Orphan Monday.

What are you going to do about it?

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