Friday, November 19, 2010

NT75 Day 68: 1 Thessalonians

There's a difference between preaching and pastoring.  Pastoring does (and should!) contain preaching, but it's more than that.

Paul says as much in 2.8, noting his band of ministers were not only ready to share the gospel with the people of Thessalonica, but also their very selves.  And there's the difference.

You can show up on Sundays and preach.  Killer illustrations.  Powerful arguments.  Careful exegesis.  People can be moved by the Spirit in a genuine work of the Kingdom of God.  But pastoring is more than that.  Pastoring also involves knowing the people, their fears, struggles, hopes, habits, tears, laughs, and idols.

The real temptation right now is for you, dear reader, to think about your pastor/preacher.  Wrong.  You have to think about YOU.  Are you the kind of person, called into ministry by God to your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors, who shares not just a message but life.  YOU know their fears, struggles, hopes, habits, tears, laughs, and idols.  YOU love those around you with the message of the Gospel as well as with practical acts of service.

You are called to minister.  What kind of ministry will you do?

But that's just me thinking thoughts...

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