Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sermon Notes from Sunday, 8.18.25 on Ephesians 6.5-9

Here are the sermon notes from Sunday, 8.18.13, on Ephesians 6.5-9.  You can get these notes in PDF and the sermon audio at  You can also download the audio via our podcast on iTunes.

Part 25 – The Spirit and your 40 Hours
Ephesians 6.5-9

Slavery passages:  are they an embarrassment to the NT?

Comparing Old World and New World Slavery
1.     Some OWS was voluntary and not all sought freedom
2.     No racial overtones in OWS
3.     Education and skills were valued in OWS and often led to significant power and influence
4.     There was little or no sense of permanence in OWS
5.     Personal contact in OWS was high

Then why doesn’t the NT demand freedom?
1.     It recommends it and models it
2.     The worldview included both the corruption of society and the conquering of Jesus
3.     Transforming hearts in individuals leads to systemic transformation in society

His Imperative:  Responsiveness expressed in Obedience (v.5)
·      For those employed, honor the authority of your employer
·      A major context of expressing your faithfulness to God is your diligent work
·      Objection:  I’m a Christian, shouldn’t I get grace?
·      Objection:  There is eternity at stake, why work?
·      Objection:  I’m not really contributing to anything

Our Motivation:  More than a Paycheck (v.6-8)
·      Eternity:  not to please man but God (v.6)
·      Integrity:  doing the right thing because it’s the right thing (v.6-7)
·      Prize:  our reward will come from Jesus the King (v.8)

His Imperative:  Be Christian in your Management (v.9)
·      Specifically, stop motivating by fear
·      Even in your tough decisions, be Christian by thinking how you would want to be treated

Our Motivation:  A Common Lordship
·      Remember, you are not the ultimate boss
·      Remember, judgment is coming for everyone

Work happened in the Garden – toil is the curse, not work

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