Saturday, August 6, 2011

Things I learned as a dad and husband while my wife was in China

It's a long title, but here's what I have for you...

Kids and their dad can survive on cereal, pizza, and peanut butter sandwiches for a week.

Eating cereal for breakfast is a great idea, too.

Hard work is keeping house, keeping people fed, and keeping sanity.  Major props to my wife who does it 3-4 times a year when I'm gone.  And for all who have traveling spouses, bless your hearts.

Kids are incredibly resilient.  Stress and strain don't cause them much harm (at least in this case).  Two days at a maximum, and all will be perfect in their world.

Seeing pictures of God's work abroad makes me long to be in it more, not less - more intentional about getting myself and others there.

Watching God work through my wife and hearing the stories about it is awesome.  I love her more because of that.  And I love God more too.

I am incredibly grateful for ministry to orphans worldwide.  I don't think we'll ever stand before Jesus and say we gave too much in ministry to orphans.

She's home tonight.  I can't wait to see her.

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