Monday, June 20, 2011

Family Camp: what a gift

Every year my family and I make the trek to Tyler, Texas to participate in Family Camp at Pine Cove.  Every year two things happen.  First, I have a year-shaping conversation or two or three with the wife.  Second, we are all sad when we leave, generally including actual tears from the oldest (this year's tears lasted 34 minutes).

The first happens because we have time.  PC is intentional about giving time to parents to be together.  I have never tried to force a conversation with my wife while there.  They always just happen in the midst of the time we spend together.  The guy who did our premarital counseling told us that quality time comes in the midst of quantity time.  He knew what he was talking about.  So this renews my commitment to try to find those moments with my wife in the hustle and bustle of our family's life and ministry.  Three words:  More.  Date.  Nights.

The second happens because we get to experience so much there that's fun and exciting, but we get to do it together.  What's more, PC hires an incredible crop of college students who love on our kids and to whom our kids become attached.  So between the environment, the experiences, and the counselors, our tanks are full at the end and it makes us sad to leave.

I don't know if Pine Cove is for you or not, but I encourage you, dear reader, to think long and hard about your family and how you can be more intentional about quantity time that leads to quality time.  That's what we're working on this year as a family.  I can't wait to see the fruit of it.

But that's just me thinking thoughts...

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