Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Cup of Cold Water and Sharing the Gospel

We just had a team on the ground in Bolivia ministering to orphans and the folks who run one of the orphanages there.  It got me to thinking about this verse:

And whoever gives one of these little ones even a cup of cold water because he is a disciple, truly, I say to you, he will by no means lose his reward (Matt 10.42)

Did you get that?  There is a kind of ministry that is "Cup of Cold Water" ministry where hands get dirty and comfort zones get blown up.  It's mercy ministry.  It's Least-of-These ministry.  And there's not much glamor in it...though there are certain rewards.

I'm 100% for those kinds of opportunities.  I think they are tangible expressions of love that Jesus enjoys seeing His people give to others.

But I don't think it's enough.  Ever.

That's because faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Rom 10.17).  Some argue that "hearing" is figurative in that verse, but I don't think the context allows for that.  The passage speaks of someone being sent to preach so people can hear and call on the name of the Lord to be saved (v.13-16).

Good works are exactly that:  good things we get to work at.  And often it opens the door to have a genuine conversation about why we're doing what we're doing.  But it's no substitute for the message because the kind of faith that calls out to God resulting in salvation comes from people like you and me sharing the Gospel with others around us.

So how does that apply to you today?

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